Policies, Strategies and Position Papers
We support investor- and procurement clients with appropriate policies and strategies for ESG integration and engagement dialogue. The aim is to find formulations aligned with the best international norms and practices, as well as with clients’ own values and investment strategies.
The ESG landscape is filled with an array of never-ending conflicts, dilemmas, and critical questions. We would be pleased to offer support through position papers and input to aid your decision-making processes.
ESG Risk Assessments
As a first step towards responsible investment, we can support investors with an ESG risk analysis that systematically evaluates different assets using our methodology and best practices. This includes assessing ESG risks and opportunities, suggesting prioritisation for handling these, and providing recommendations for an action plan.
Investment Manager Assessment and Engagement
Based on our ESG due diligence of asset owner clients’ portfolios and engagement with controversial portfolio companies, we can identify investment managers responsible for investing in the most critical companies that are not aligned with the asset owner’s investment policy.
The overview can be a valuable input for the asset owners’ own regular dialogues with investment managers. However, Engagement International also engages directly with investment manages on behalf of asset owner clients.
Our independent ESG assessments of investment managers can serve as input for investment manager selection.
Proxy Voting
Engagement Dialogue and Proxy Voting are the two main approaches to active ownership. Many investors are using these separately. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that there is significant synergy in “joining the dots” between engagement dialogue and proxy voting.
In collaboration with our proxy voting partner Minerva Analytics, Engagement International can combine the two instruments in two ways: 1) Proxy voting as an escalation tool for negative engagement progress and 2) engagement dialogue as a communication channel for explaining voting against company management.
Engagement International can also provide support with recommendations for proxy voting on ESG issues in individual companies.
Country Risk Assessment
When it comes to sovereign bonds, we assist our investor clients with identifying the most controversial countries in terms of UN and EU sanctions, poor governance, human rights violations, etc., based on our proprietary country risk assessment model.
However, we believe that engaging with critical countries may not be as effective as with companies. Hence, we recommend our investor clients to divest from the worst-performing countries and assist them in engaging with responsible investment managers to facilitate this process.
Developing the administrative framework to engage with all relevant companies within one’s investment portfolio on specific ESG controversies and themes is a multifaceted and resource-intensive task.
Our Full-service Engagement aims to provide all the support you need to exercise active ownership in accordance with recommendations by international and national guidelines, such as the OECD Responsible Business Conduct for Institutional Investors and the Danish Guidelines for Responsible Investments and Active Ownership.
Clients benefits of our advisory
An easy-to-implement solution covering the essential engagement needs of your existing investment activities.
Saving in-house capacity by gaining from the expertise of an independent, professional engagement service provider.
Compliance with national and international guidelines on active ownership.
Receive independent and professional advisories from experts in engagement, corporate sustainability, research, investment, and communications.
Complement your existing responsible investment and engagement efforts with our tailored services.